Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Steam Devils on Lake Superior

Bright sun and "warm" water brought out lots of sea smoke this morning, along with Steam Devils!  Steam devils are small, weak, swirling air masses created by the temperature difference between the water surface (32 to 34 F this morning) and the air temperature (a chilly -10 F).  The sea smoke fog over the water surface makes them visible.  Conditions have to be just right for them to form, thus they are sort of rare.  The bright sun added some nice cloud iridescence as well.  As seen from 23rd St E in Duluth, MN.

I managed to get pictures and video, but the bright sun and the glare off the water made shooting difficult.  It was hard to see without being blinded.  My eyes were watering and the tears were freezing to my eye lashes and cheeks and I kept fogging, then icing, up my glasses.  Such a tough life when I am taking pictures and I should be at work!

Sea smoke, glitter trail, and cloud iridescence.

Steam Devil with iridescence in the spout!

Small spouts visible 

More Cloud iridescence

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